The Blackrock Subsystem

This group consists of Phighting! introjects.


he/she | 27 | 🎀️

Host to the Blackrock subsystem and local Hotdog Vendor. Don't even ask. /j


he/him | Adult | 🔷️

Probably some kind of protector, possibly a subsystem Cohost. Very much loves The Correspondents.


he/it | ??? | 🌀️

First split of Wyatt, still working himself out and not entirely sure what he's doing.


she/he | 13 | 🪱️

Fun-loving kid that kind of identifies with being a disgusting and unloved creature. (She is loved.)

RTX 3080

hx/sie | 5-10 | 🖥️️

Young kid that feels more like a computer or a robot than a person. Surprisingly confident. Goes by Ray.


she/he | ??? | 🪽️

Another Wright split, haven't found out much about this one yet and almost didn't include her in this list ...


he/him | 23 | 🌟️

Older brother to Castor, big everything-hater. Pained by the nostalgia of others in the system.


he/him | 22 | ⭐️️

Younger brother to Pollux, extreme self-hater. Disgusted with his own thoughts and actions.


he/him | 29 | 🚦️

Probably someone's weird doppelgänger. Resident chillguy and emotional protector for the Blackrock system.


they/it | Adult | 🔌️

Gatekeeper for the Blackrock subsystem. Was born in a Sheetz kitchen on the 4th of July.


he/it | ??? | 🎼️

Highest gatekeeper for the Blackrock Subsystem. Definitely one of the "upper few" as we put it.